

Utilizing ADDIE, Blooms Taxonomy and visual designs I am able to create projects that have a holistic connection to include Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiatives for the learner to help establish a strong foundation and a higher engagement level for learning.

I’ve developed synchronous and asynchronous trainings that are facilitated by a transit instructor. I partnered with stakeholders, and met with SMEs to hone in on the top objectives for new and current operators. I facilitated train the trainer programs, and evaluation feedback sessions from students and the trainers. Transit is policy and procedure heavy and I wanted to create a relationship with emotional intelligence, habitual behaviors and overall personal health and wellness.


Continuing Education is a four hour practical program required for all bus operators. The contents are developed based on the previous years data and performance. In order to break up the weight of enforcing policy and procedures, mixing in a holistic perspective and tying that into work performance has helped engage the operators. This theme is being mindful when driving and helping customers.

Every program’s curriculum is evaluated and revised and updated each year.

Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop

Leadership Development

Objective: Update and revamp leadership training. I included softskills, Myer Briggs, DEI and customer service.

Metro promotes internally and selects only a few Bus Operators for a rigorous 6-month training process, divided into four sections.

  • Transit Communications Control

  • Base Operations

  • Training Operations

  • Service Quality

Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop


Equipment Requirement Courses

Objective: Update and revamp the trolley operation class.

I developed a two day course focusing on the hardware and workflow of efficient operation. This included new battery enhanced vehicles, which allows the trolley poles to be lowered in order to bypass obstructions.

Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop,


Objective: Update the onboarding, CDL prep program.

I developed a required 33 day program to cover onboarding, CDL requirements, Operators policy and procedures, technical skills and interpersonal development.

Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop


Diversity and Inclusion

Objective: Create an annual required training for all operators. Include the topics from risk management from the prior year.

I developed a 2 hour program to cover risk management topics such has high accident or injury data and integrated DEI into the program that emphasized customer communication, unconscious bias, interpersonal health and development.

Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop

New Employee Resource Guide

Problem: Dispersed, outdated PowerPoints complicate onboarding. The process lacked efficiency; managers sent new employees a Word doc checklist.

I devised two resources for interns, new employees and transferred employees. The new employee guide consolidates all information into one guide.

Additionally, an engaging PPT was redesigned to boost new employee engagement, as per the policy to maintain it in PPT format.

Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft PowerPoint.

A Gif of a powerpoint for onboarding new employees.
An image of a character on top of a globe that has words like coaching wrapped around it.

New Internship and Early Career Mentoring Guide

Objective: Create a clear resource which both mentors and mentees could utilize and fill out during their meetings.

I developed a fillable PDF for new mentors and inters that will walk them step by step into the mentorship program.

Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop


Before acquiring a learning management system, I utilize Survey Monkey for our evaluations from development courses to gather data. This was an efficient process, moving the usual pen and paper test.

SharePoint Administration

Because of my background in coding, I volunteered to build the SharePoint site for training operations and BGS Engineering.

I created the calendars, tile layout and administer the site permissions using my past skills as an Information Security Analyst.

After building permission groups and setting up the folders, I launched the site and then trained the L&D staff to also become administrators.

For BGS Engineering, this was a one-stop shop for all things related to onboarding. This was then used as a template for other sections in the organization.

Icons were created in Adobe Illustrator


Data Analytics


eLearning Development